DSpace 7

DSpace is the world leading open source repository platform that enables organisations to:

  • easily ingest documents, audio, video, datasets and their corresponding Dublin Core metadata
  • open up this content to local and global audiences, thanks to the OAI-PMH interface and Google Scholar optimizations
  • issue permanent urls and trustworthy identifiers, including optional integrations with handle.net and DataCite DOI

Join an international community of leading institutions using DSpace.

The test user accounts below have their password set to the name of this software in lowercase.

  • Demo Site Administrator = dspacedemo+admin@gmail.com
  • Demo Community Administrator = dspacedemo+commadmin@gmail.com
  • Demo Collection Administrator = dspacedemo+colladmin@gmail.com
  • Demo Submitter = dspacedemo+submit@gmail.com
Photo by @inspiredimages

Communities in DSpace

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Recent Submissions

Information Literacy
(MK, 2024) Akello, Susan; Kato, Peter
Bamwise stationers and general supplies
(ass procurement officer, 2024-08-15) ass procurement officer
food stuffs
HIV in the contemporary world:
(Ariokot and company, 2022-10-20) Jackie C.; Moses N.; Faith M.
Supply chain contracting and the use of information are undoubtedly two critical and influential areas in modern supply chain management. However, relatively little is known about supply chain contracting mechanisms with different information settings. To fill this gap, we review and classify the related supply chain contracting literature into three categories with respect to different kinds of information considerations, namely (i) demand information updating, (ii) supply information updating and (iii) information asymmetry. We report the publication trend and classify the commonly studied supply chain contracts with the use of information such as pricing contracts, commitment contracts and menu of contracts. We discuss how contracting and the use of information influence each other in the supply chain. Moreover, we review the major application areas of information usage and report the historical development of major related topics. Finally, we propose several important future research directions. Keywords: supply chain contracting; demand information updating; supply information updating; information asymmetry
Records Management
(Areu David, 2014-09-20) Areu David
Policies and guidelines
(Kwapi Benard, 2024-09-20) Kwapi Benard